Name Region Volume
Last Price
27.1% diff
Fee Fiat money Features News
Singapore 1,402,757.27 REDEV2 0.02051000 USDT 0.025%-0.2% (Maker)
0.06%-0.2% (Taker)
Futures contract
(100x leverage)
We're excited to announce that we've partnered with Coinstore, one of Asia's preferred crypto exchanges to make USDCa available on its platform
Unknown 36,590.44 REDEV2 0.01663000 USDT 0%
Unknown 732.72 REDEV2 0.01613200 USDT 0.06%-0.2% No KYC required PSA: XMR is on a 30% discount right now. Load up for cheap while you can.
3 exchange(s) from 39 countries (updated )